Voice of Youth- 10-18 April Aabenraa/Denmark
Hello everyone, I'm Hakan. I'm 24 years old. Previously, I was at the University of Zagreb for 6 months under the name of Erasmus+ Learning Mobility. But This project (Voice of youth) was the first project I participated in as a volunteer. First of all, I would like to thank the officials of Diyarbakır Çevre ve Kalkınma Derneği (ÇEVKA) who helped prepare this project and gave us this opportunity. We were in a very beautiful town in Aabenraa, Denmark, between 10-18 April under the name of the "Voice of youth" Project. We had a great time with our friends from Denmark, Lithuania and Macedonia together with the cultural nights. We did morning exercises, presentations, small theaters and short films. I want to say everyone who has the opportunity to participate and get this experience. Thanks again to ÇEVKA. Once Erasmus, Always Erasmus ❤️