First of all, I want to say thanks too much to Cevka. I heard lots of information about Cevka from too much person . People said me : "you must fallow of the Cevka's web site, Cevka is sending people to abroad" And then One day I was searching about Cevka. When I am looking, I saw erasmus plus news. This news were so interesting for me . After that I wanted to application. And then I accepted by Cevka . I was ready for the Denmark . We went to the Denmark. Really! This project was imperessive for me . All about was so good. I learned diffrent cultures, diffrent foods, diffrent people... people was so understanding there. And also was helpful. You can trust me, I will suggestions Cevka to everybody in everywhere. this project was the first for me. I hope won't be end. Really I like so this. I guess I will application another project next years. You must attend to the Cevka. Attend and be happy. In a short Thank you for everything.