The zero waste Project of the Erasmus Plus

The zero waste Project of the Erasmus Plus

7 Ay Önce

The zero waste Project of the Erasmus Plus Thanks to the Erasmus Plus project, I had the unforgettable opportunity to be a part of the Norgwish litter prevention team working on the stunning beaches of the British Virgin Islands. Our mission was to find innovative solutions for reducing or better to say zero plastic waste. Our campaign focused on raising awareness, educating the local community, and taking practical steps to clean up these beautiful shores. We initiated beach clean-up activities and promoted the use of eco-friendly alternatives, such as crafting our own protective cream with Aloe Vera and substituting natural bleach for hair care, avoiding the use of harmful chemical products. Being a part of this project was an incredibly rewarding experience. Collaborating with fellow participants was not only productive but also incredibly enjoyable. We formed lasting friendships, shared our knowledge, and exchanged ideas, making this journey all the more memorable. Personally, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment in contributing to this meaningful endeavor and leaving a positive impact on the environment. We started beach clean-ups and used alternative natural products to avoid waste, such as making our own protective cream with Alovera or using natural bleach for hair instead of using hair products that are very harmful. Above all, it was super fun to share this experience with the other participants, it was a great time and we gained a lot of experience and exchanged ideas with each other. New friendships

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