6-18 February, Reunion Island

6-18 February, Reunion Island

1 Yıl Önce

I’ve had a truly life changing experience at Reunion Island. I was excited in the sense that I was going to a very special place that not a lot of people have that privilege to go, but I can honestly say that I did not expect it to bring such depth into my life. When we first arrived to the location, it was nice to meet new people, everyone was very nice and welcoming, the hotel staff were incredibly helpful. I must also add that Emre is an incredible guy and he did a wonderful job running the project and also making us comfortable, I have got nothing but admiration towards him. Overall, the very first day was a good introduction and a good forecast that the project would be beautiful. Then came the second day, after this I for sure knew that the people here were incredible, and I have so much to learn from them. After dinner what would usually happen is that we would as a group go the beach where the most incredible sunset was happening, I felt very lucky that I was there to witness that. What made it even more special was that I had people to share that incredible place tens of thousands of kilometer away from my actual home. Every day in the beach watching that sunset and sharing our life stories were deeply emotional to me. I have heard some incredible stories from the friends that I met there, which I can take many lessons from, I have heard some amazing success and failure stories that showed me how life is always up and down, it does not get easier, we just get stronger. I did not think it was this easy, or at least it took this little time for people to feel like brothers and sisters, but for the first time for me, I can honestly say that in the second day, after just talking for two to three hours, I immediately felt a bond with these people. We still talk, call each other and planning to see each other at any possible time that we have. The activities were also a great way of bonding with each other. Just having a good time, playing games, laughing, dancing with each other has made me feel like even though we come from very different places and have a very different perspective of life in general, we are basically the same people who are just trying to do better. The culture nights were also incredible and I will never forget the things that I have eaten, seeing local dances and experiencing how peaceful they felt was also a very weird feeling for me. I felt that when they were showing us their local dances but what felt a little of was when they were teaching us, I felt as if I was already born into their culture and just learning the dance now rather than experiencing it just now. I guess it really was a learning experience for me that has opened my eyes. I can do so many things and I need to take responsibility for going forward because I have seen that how many beautiful thing I can experience if I can reach that place. I need to do my best moving forward in life and I need to get more comfortable with people so that the beauties of this life can follow. Now in addition to the people I met there and the activities we did togethers, let’s take a moment to talk about Reunion Island. I have never been in an Island before, never been in Africa, never been that far from home. Even though it may seem as the best adventure for some people, I was kind of hesitant at first because getting out of my comfort zone and going to Reunion island are on very different levels and it kinda got me scared. Seeing the ocean, swimming in it, driving in the highway which is around the island and next to the ocean was eye baffling. Never have I ever experience such views as high mountains, volcanoes, oceans, and actually walking and swimming in them was more than an scene. It really makes you wonder as what kind of power that mother nature has that it can give us these incredible things and yet give us these natural disasters. But I guess that’s how we give value and learn. I would say that I am much more into mind fullness at this point, I try to do best I can at experiencing these life altering events that I can gather so much from. Yet even with the deep stuff that I can write here that I thought in my alone time, I must also note that nothing in this world becomes legendary if you don’t have someone to share it with. It is not important that you have what you have but whom you share it with. I was very lucky to experience these moments while I was sharing it the people who I felt closest to at that time, that has led me to gain so many life lessons which for surely I will try my best to carry on. Overall, I have had the best two weeks of my life at Reunion Islands and I am nothing but grateful to everyone who played an active role in this.

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