My First Experience

My First Experience

5 Yıl Önce

Hi! This project will be always unforgettable because it was my first experience on the project and abroad. It provided me to meet people who have different countries, different religion, different languages and different foods. It thought me to live together, overcome challenges together and have fun together. At the same time, thanks to project I met good people who come from Turkey. Maybe I didn't go with this project we would never meet. On the other hand, we had a chance in talking about some universal problem such discrimination, poverty, natural disasters, bullying and so on. We empathized in people who are exposed of these problems. This project time became so valuable for me. And I am sure that it is not the only one. CEVKA was so good for my first experience in project. I definitely want to go to other projects with CEVKA. Other thing I want to say is project's benefits of my English. Before I have never had a chance to develop my English, but now this project was a perfect practice for me.